- One in transit through a country on the way to the country in which one intends to settle.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Cover ideas

I've been working on a cover for our demo (The Canyoneros). I think this is nice but I'm sure the colors are not going to fly with certain people. But it looks just as good in black and white, and doesn't look as "Raining Blood".

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

More news on Hunter S. Thompson

You'd think that I adored the man or something as many times as I have posted about him. Apparently seeing a film based on a book by him and reading one article he wrote for ESPN makes me a fan. Anyways, some of Hunter's friends are planning on shooting his ashes from a cannon. I can only hope that Johnny Depp does it in full Captain Jack Sparrow getup from the deck of the Black Pearl. That would make my day.

Doom should be F.E.A.R.-ful

Yes, a pun in the headline. So shoot me...in this game! Check out these trailers for F.E.A.R.. It looks like a dead ringer. F.E.A.R. is on target for a June release. I aim to get it. It looks like it won't be a bomb. I'll stop now.

Just watch the trailers, they're way awesomer than my jokes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pac-Man Cometh (kinda)

I've been a loyal Penny Arcade reader for years and don't ususally like other online strips (mostly because they suck man beef) but today I ran across this VG Cats strip. I have to admit, it's one of the funniest strips I've seen in a while, PA included. Although I'm not sure Gabe would approve of such Pac-Man vulgarity.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Bungie Gets the Blues

Even the creators of Halo 2 get schooled every once in a while. They even had bad lag. Imagine that?

The real news is that new maps should be available within a few weeks. There's also a lot of cheat fixes as well, none of which have been formally anounced. I guess they are still hoping to keep the people who don't already know how from cheating. (Can you say disappearing flag-runner?) I really wish they'd hurry, I'm tired of losing on the same maps over and over. I long for the day I can see my bloody body laying on the ground somewhere else.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hunter S. Thompson Dead

It looks as though Hunter S. Thompson took Shotgun Golf a little too seriously. He has apparently commited suicide. Sad news. I've never actually read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but the movie was great. Sorry to hear you go.

This just in: SUXX doesn't

I'm always on the lookout for applications that can simplify some of the repetitive crap I do every day. Today I stumbled upon SUXX, a very usefull program for extracting split archived files (rar, ace...) directly to an ftp site. It also extracts ISO images on the fly as well. Finally I can save myself 20 minutes or so and a dvd-r every time I "find" a new Xbox game.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Xbox Navigation

Lately I've been running the idea through my head of using an xbox to crate a GPS navigation system for my Jeep. I figured about $90 for a used xbox, if I can find one (since there seems to be a shortage these days), $80 for the Streets and Trips package with GPS module and another $100 or so for an inexpensive LCD screen. Of course I turned to the great and bountiful thing called the internet for answers. This was my first stop . Nothing ever changes. The internet is still full of retards.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Microsoft Announces Power Cord Replacement for Xbox

Microsoft, usually know for their stable operating systems announced today that Xbox power supply cables may "fail" and may cause "minor injury or minor property damage". 1 in 10,000 sounds like good odds but there are 14 million of these suckers laying around. That means about 1400 of you are going to die. I'll be requesting my two cables today.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Best and Worst Comics of 2004 (according to Time)

Time magazine has posted their picks for the top 10 comics of 2004. Some familiar names are on the list (Chris Ware, Jeff Smith, Dan Clowes...). I personally haven't read anything on the list (sue me) but I've been meaning to, I swear. My old roomate was into everything. You can't buy him any indie books; he has everything. Every year when we got to Heroes Con the people at Top Shelf know him by name. He usually drops about $400 on indie books. I on the other hand will pick up something every few months and read it. The last thing I actually got into was Y: the Last Man. More mainstream than most of the stuff on the list but a really good read. I think they're making a freaking movie too. I didn't ever think I'd see the day when I wouldn't look forward to a comic book movie, but hollywood has raped my childhood enough. At least they're going after videogames now instead. It's laughable because it defeats the whole damn purpose of videogames being interactive anyways. Anyone have anything to add to that?

Remember 20 Questions?

20Q.net is a great site that has a free online version of their standalone handheld game. It guessed "quartz" and "antelope". Granted it took a few more than 20 questions, but it still guessed them correctly. Nice if you need to kill a few minutes.

Hitchhiker's Guide trailer officially released

Amazon has a crappy, small flashplayer version of the trailer I posted yeterday. It's not on Apple trailers as of yet though. Why Amazon though? Product tie in for more book sales? At least get a watchable version for frigsakes.

Shotgun Golf with Bill Murray

Ok, fucking sign me up. This is the coolest sport since foosball. Maybe not the whole golfing/shooting thing, but maybe the Bill Murray & Hunter S. Thompson partnership. You can't really get a sense of Bill's acutal interest in the whole deal from a phone transcript but who cares? Just the idea gets me tickled. Maybe even getting Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro to reprise their roles from Fear and Loathing to carry golf bags and gun racks. Hmmm....

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

"Longest Book" I Ever Read

Ok, technically not the most pages but this one it 120 feet long unrolled. I read On the Road back in college sometime, shortly after reading Catcher in the Rye. I had hoped for a more "life-changing" feeling from Kerouac than I actually took from the book. It was kinda "bleh" as far as resolution goes. You spend the whole time with this rebellious character criss-crossing the country in an old coupe, hopped up on goofballs or something and meeting a whole slew of interesting people. Towards the end it just starts dragging along and never really ties up anything or gives any real insight to what the hell the main character is working towards besides a life of rambling. I'll eventually go back and read it again. In the meantime, it's cool that they're unrolling the original manuscript for people to see.

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

I found the supposedly leaked trailer for the upcoming Hitchhiker's Guide movie. I bought the book last week and have barely cracked it. Hopefully I'll get it read before the movie comes out. I'm sure there are some purists who wont like the movie but so far it looks pretty good to me.

Updat: Apple has the trailer now.


Make magazine is along the same lines as one of my other favorite magazines, ReadyMade, but more aimed towards the gadget side of things. One of their free articles shows you how to make your own steady cam rig for about $15. Great for budding Scorseses (Scorseese? Scorsi?). Moviemakers. Whatever. Neat anyways.

Why buy a new PC?

When you can OVERCLOCK!! Some shmoe oc'd his rig to 7.2 Ghz. I can't even get my power supply fan to stop making noise. Go figure.

Speaking of quiet computers, anyone willing to sign up under me at freeminimacs.com? I only need eight more people. I have tons of gmail addys to get rid of if anyone is interested as well.

I Have a Small Growth

Here is my first real attempt at becoming an amatuer horticulturist. Thank you Carole (and Carole's mom). Hopefully I won't kill it within a week. I'm hoping to cultivate it into a nice Bonsai. Better read up I guess.

Someone was bound to do it

Someone has decided (in theory) to take advantage of the new Napster subscription service. I guess it's a good idea, but is it worth all the trouble? I have a hard enough time deciding what I want to search for on bittorrent, how the hell am I supposed to download 252 albums.

Most frequented blog this week - Joystiq

Joystiq www.joystiq.com is a great source for new videogame news and is updated several times a day. If you're like me you can't get enough info on new gaming consoles. Every few years when the next gen consoles start popping up, I get real excited. I can't help but have that same feeling I had when I played Super Mario Brothers for the first time. I was almost seven before I really got my hands on the NES, but what did I care? I had my trusty 2600 Jr. and Asteroids. What could be better than that?

It was snowing and I was at my best friends house. It was my first taste of videogaming addiction, my first real fix. I glazed over as I watched my friend play for hours on end before I got my chance (he was a bastard sometimes). What's the first thing you do when you learn how to use one of those newfangled controllers (as opposed to the Atari joystick)? Flail your arms in the air hoping that it will help Luigi over the gaping hole in the ground. It doesn't help, although it does make for a good laugh at your expense.

I don't have to tell you the difference between Asteroids and Super Mario. You know deep down how cool the next generation of consoles will be. The Super Nintendo is going to have 16,000 colors? Sony is making a console? 3DO is too? (come on, I know some of you were excited when you saw the infomercial).

You get the point. Any tidbit of information on a new console is like watching Indiana Jones find the Holy Grail. It's exciting. It's like the future with flying card and androids is right around the corner. Yes I will buy into the hype. Yes I will plop down cash money on the newest "entendo machine" (thanks for understanding mom). Why? Because how else am I supposed to get that feeling I got when I played SMB for the first time.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Destroying the MPAA one frame at a time. Posted by Hello

Daniel Island Saskwatch Watch. Posted by Hello

Charleston via Daniel Island. Posted by Hello

Where old meets new in the middle of the sky. Posted by Hello

South End Brewery. Posted by Hello