Ring 2; more like, Ring Poo
I went into Ring Two hoping it would be more broad and far reaching. I thought it was supposed to be more about the ring "virus" and how the tape spreads across the country and something big happens to everyone who's seen it, like they all become zombies or become republicans... wait, that's being redundant. Anyways, it was real lame. Pretty much a big letdown even though I didn't have any expectations of it being good. There were a few jumpy moments but it was really lame overall. The story pretty much revolves around Naomi Watts and little malnourished dude the whole movie and didn't really deliver on the creepyness like it should have. Sure, I could write it off as being a bad movie, just because it's a sequel, but I think it's really a no brainer.
• Make the movie scarier.
• Don't treat the audience like a freaking retard
• When people die of mysterious causes, at least acknoledge that they died in the next scene (or in the movie at all for that matter)
• Enough with the researching. Every time you leave your kid somewhere alone, something bad happens anyway.
• Either lay off the special effects and stick with eerie atmosphere or make the special effects look really good and believeable
• More Cowbell
It's not totally a terrible flick. I mean there's a really good scene with deers.
(Note: Above image NOT from Ring 2. This would have made it a good movie.)
PS - I almost totally forgot the best part. There was a tense, quiet, boring scene when I was trying to hold a fart, only it was too painful. So I decided to let it "pfffft" out. Well, the first part "pfffted", but the end of it must have caught the inside of my anus and punched the rest of the air that went past in the gut, because I farted really loud and I think all 20 people in the theater heard it. Especially the 14 year olds who talked on the phone during the movie.
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