- One in transit through a country on the way to the country in which one intends to settle.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Today CherryOS was released to a firey flame of misbelievers and it was shot down, killed and old ladies spat on it's grave. For those of you who even care, CherryOS is a complete rip-off of PearPC, a Mac OS X emulator for x86 hardware. Basically some duders got their hands on the open source PearPC and went through tons of lines of code and changed a few things to make it look like their own work. Of course the nerds were on a full assault and found many examples of plagarism in code within minutes. Oh well, I'm planning on checking out PearPC tonight since there seems to be speed improvements since the last time I looked at it (and because Lost is a rerun tonight, damnit).

In the meantime, check out
this screenshot.


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