- One in transit through a country on the way to the country in which one intends to settle.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Best and Worst Comics of 2004 (according to Time)

Time magazine has posted their picks for the top 10 comics of 2004. Some familiar names are on the list (Chris Ware, Jeff Smith, Dan Clowes...). I personally haven't read anything on the list (sue me) but I've been meaning to, I swear. My old roomate was into everything. You can't buy him any indie books; he has everything. Every year when we got to Heroes Con the people at Top Shelf know him by name. He usually drops about $400 on indie books. I on the other hand will pick up something every few months and read it. The last thing I actually got into was Y: the Last Man. More mainstream than most of the stuff on the list but a really good read. I think they're making a freaking movie too. I didn't ever think I'd see the day when I wouldn't look forward to a comic book movie, but hollywood has raped my childhood enough. At least they're going after videogames now instead. It's laughable because it defeats the whole damn purpose of videogames being interactive anyways. Anyone have anything to add to that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to see the directors cut of daredevil. But hey still.. its no HULK! jerk

6:31 PM

Blogger Mike said...

Or Punisher for that matter. You acehole.

9:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude I said the punisher sucked more than anyone.

10:36 PM


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